UX Design
With many years of User Experience Design (UX), User Interface Design (UI) and visual design, I’ve designed innovation projects at WorkSafe Victoria, enhancing user experiences through research and prototyping. At Deakin University, I managed UX/UI initiatives and facilitated workshops to improve digital services. At Federation University I designed applications with a strong user focus. Proficient in Figma and Adobe Creative Cloud, I bring a human-centered approach to understanding and designing user-friendly digital experiences and print solutions.
Person Centred Case Management (PCM) and Injured Worker Collaboration (IWC). Are injured workers willing to collaborate with Case Managers? Do they understand the value of full collaboration? How do they feel about creating goals with case managers and health care providers and creating a plan to achieve their goals?
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Assumptions Mapping - Prioritisation - Testing - Communication
The MyGoals project aimed to understand how WorkSafe presents and shares information with injured workers about the goals set with their case manager, focusing on how they interact with these goals and track their progress, ensuring they have visibility and access to what they are working towards.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Reverse Briefing - Assumptions Mapping - Interviewing - Synthing - Figma Prototyping - Testing - Presentation - Communication - Retrospectives
Intelligence Management Function (IMF) and Enterprise Data Hub (EDH). The project aimed to understand business users needs, wants, behaviours and barriers around making more efficient data driven decisions thereby supporting the design and development of a business user-led, service offering/model for the Intelligence Management Function (IMF) business unit using the Enterprise Data Hub (EDH).
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Reverse Briefing - Assumptions Mapping - Surveys - Interviewing - Synthing - Presentation - Communication - Reflection - Retrospectives

"Paul can take an idea and turn it into an amazing design... Paul's understanding of User Experience Design was invaluable." Kim Redfern - Web Team Lead, Federation University
The project aimed to solve the challenge of enhancing the contact centre experience by addressing outdated technology, improving customer service quality, ensuring scalability for growing demand, and creating a personalised omni-channel experience.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Assumptions Mapping - Interviewing - Synthing - Presentation - Communication - Reflection
The Students as Partners – Your Future Library project aimed to gain insight into students' lives in the context of their current and future library needs. Results and insights supported the Library Strategic Plan Feb 2022.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Ideation - Planning - Workshopping - Surveys - Excel Spreadsheets - Presentation - Communication
The Library Spaces project sought to find out how students used library spaces to inform a redesign to better meet their needs. It involved surveys, interviews and detailed planning and collaboration across multiple campuses. Results and insights supported the Library Strategic Plan Feb 2022.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Ideation - Planning - Surveys - Interviewing - Presentation - Communication