UX Projects
Students as Partners
Deakin University Library
The Students as Partners – Your Future Library project aimed to gain insight into students' lives in the context of their current and future library needs. Results and insights supported the Library Strategic Plan Feb 2022.
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Ideation - Planning - Workshopping - Surveys - Excel Spreadsheets - Presentation - Communication
About the Project
The Students as Partners Lecturer, University Librarian (Director) and I developed the Student Engagement Plan. We ideated, planned, and conducted two workshops and follow-up sessions with over 40 Library staff. Workshop activities included discussing a survey and preparing staff to interview students, creating a Wordcloud and adding thoughts and ideas to a Miroboard. Staff then subsequently interviewed students in an hour-long session, recording responses in a survey. The experience gained by the staff was highly valuable and helped engage them with student needs, barriers and opportunities.
The Team
1 Experience Designer
The Students as Partners Lecturer
The University LIbrarian (Director)
The broader Digital Services Team
I conducted extensive research into modern libraries in educational settings and in the community. I found that libraries were convenient hubs of community activity and exceptional places for social contact, support, and learning. The workshop proved to be very engaging to staff, with high involvement, and many great ideas and challenges were uncovered. Interviews were insightful, and participants were keen to add value to the process.
The project provided valuable insights and directions and helped engage staff with student needs, barriers and opportunities. The staff were really supportive and were fascinated with the results which continue to feed into their planning. The project results contributed to the reimagining of the future library state.
Personal Insights and Reflections
I'm good at collaboration and teamwork, working toward a collective goal.
I value building trust in a work relationship.
Creating engaging content is crucial to success.
I'm skilled in presenting workshops.
Active listening and curiosity underpins all of our work in this field.