UX Projects
WorkSafe Victoria
Intelligence Management Function and Enterprise Data Hub
The project aimed to understand business users needs, wants, behaviours and barriers around making more efficient data driven decisions thereby supporting the design and development of a business user-led, service offering/model for the Intelligence Management Function (IMF) business unit using the Enterprise Data Hub (EDH).
Key Skills
Research - Collaboration - Reverse Briefing - Assumptions Mapping - Surveys - Interviewing - Synthing - Presentation - Communication - Reflection - Retrospectives

About the Project
The Enterprise Data Hub (EDH) is a contemporary set of tools that allows WorkSafe to acquire, store, structure, manage, analyse and present data. It enables WorkSafe to deliver on its strategic goals to prevent harm and improve outcomes for injured workers.
The Team
2 Experience Designers
1 Product Manager
1 Change Manager
We identified key user groups and conducted an organisation wide survey to ascertain viewpoints, pain points and opportunities. We then held interviews seeking to understand the staff members role, process of working, pain points and opportunities. We synthesised our findings using Miroboards.

The project unearthed complex and negative interactions within the business which needed to be addressed. It was a difficult time presenting the findings knowing the complexities involved. Our presentation, findings and insights were valued but had repercussions within the business.
Personal Insights and Reflections
I can easily work across the business dealing with a variety of people, building trust and value.
I’m very capable at creating and managing surveys.
Sensitivity is required when surfacing information that may be a negative reflection on the function of departments in the organisation.
Our work can have unexpected consequences.